What is a legal contract?

A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties. It may be oral or written. A contract is essentially a set of promises. Typically, each party promises to do something for the other in exchange for a benefit.

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Five essential characteristics of a Legal Contract

·        Legal purpose. A contract must have a legal purpose to be enforceable.

·        Mutual Agreement. All parties to the contract must have reached a "meeting of the minds." That is, one party must have extended an offer to which the other parties have agreed. 

·        Consideration. Each party to the contract must agree to give up something of value in exchange for a benefit.

·        Competent Parties. The parties to a contract must be competent. That is, they must be of sound mind, of legal age, and unencumbered by drugs or alcohol. If you enter into a contract with a minor or an insane person, the contract will not be enforced.

·        Genuine Assent. All parties must engage in the agreement freely. A contract may not be enforced if mistakes have been made by one or more parties. Likewise, a contract may be voided if one party has committed fraud or exerted undue influence over another. 

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What happens if a breach of contract happens?

If one party breaches a contract, the other party may suffer a financial loss. In the previous example, you paid for 50% of the work but only received half that much. You have several options for obtaining compensation:

1.      Sue for Damages. You may sue the contractor for damages. For example, you might sue for the cost of hiring another contractor to finish the job plus the costs you have incurred due to the delay.

2.      Specific Performance. You can compel the contractor to complete the work required by the contract.

3.      Other Remedies. If the contractor tricked or forced you into signing the contract, you might convince a court to terminate the agreement or amend its terms.

Types of Contracts, Agreements & Forms can be created with Form Document Creator

·        Free Employment Contract Template

·        Printable Job Application Forms

·        All types of Affidavits

·        Release of Liability
