What is a Free Printable Confidentiality Agreement Form?

A Free Printable Confidentiality Agreement Form is an essential legal form being utilized for several purposes. Some of you may have come across it already while it can be a new thing for some.

We are about to see what it is & who signs the document. Also, this document used to be created by attorneys but with the availability of form document creator, it is now available at finger-tip. Along with the ease of access, it can be created by anyone at any time and anywhere without anyone’s help. 

Isn’t it convenience in real sense?

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Also known as Free Non-Disclosure Agreement, a free printable confidentiality agreement form is a legal document. It is used to bind two or multiple parties to not share the agreed information publically. The protected information surely holds some value and if it is disclosed, the company may suffer from the loss.

Check the sample affidavit form in case if you need it
The signing parties are bound to keep the information secret. If they don’t do so, the charge that they are liable to pay is also mentioned. The concerned party can take legal actions on the other parties if the signed promise is broken.

Which parties may sign this legal document?

As mentioned above, the NDA form is not necessarily signed between professionals, sometimes it can also be used for personal stuff. For instance, when a property agreement is signed and the deal is sealed, the party may request a confidentiality agreement to be signed for a particular duration. It mainly intends to protect private information.

You can make one in a few minutes with our free legal document creator. Just answer the questions, sign the document and get a copy – done!
