General Release of Liability Form – Commonly used Terms

General Release of Liability Form is usually signed between two parties when either of the party decides not to sue the other party instead of the damages suffered. You may also hear someone referring to this form as ROL form meaning that it is the legal document that protects one party from the legal responsibilities associated with physical risk.

However, it is important to know that this legal document does not protect from negligent behavior. Alternative templates serving the same purpose are known as “Hold Harmless Agreement”, “Photo Release Form”, “Model Release Form”, “Waiver Form”, “Medical Liability Waiver Form”, etc.

General Terms Used in this Legal Document Form


The individual/party promising not to sue for the damage suffered


The individual/party who is liable to pay for the damage caused

Effective Date

The date from which this legal document will be effective from


It is the description of the incident, event, or any circumstances that triggered the need for the release of liability form template


The final amount or the agreed amount against the release of liability must be mentioned. For instance, certain waiver forms for property or a car accident release include a payment to be made in the event as certain injuries have been suffered.

It will be a better move to consult your attorney before adding this clause in the document. It may or may not be necessary to be included. If found necessary, ask them if you should abide by any regulations? This clause can seriously limit your legal rights.

You may need a Free Non-Disclosure Agreement too

Governing Law

Any legal document is always prepared according to the state In which it is expected to be followed. This section defines the legal action, disputes, or considerations related to this particular instance.

Get Free General Release of Liability Form Template PDF Sample

Free General Release of Liability form sample is available to be downloaded as a sample. Users can create this document after filling out a few details and can preview what has been filled by them. Later, this file can be downloaded and a copy of it is saved in your system.

What are you waiting for, create this & check more of such free legal document templates?
